Time is a limited resource in a way money will never be. Spend a dollar today, and you can earn it back tomorrow. Spend an hour today, and it’s gone for good. Yet many of us don’t protect our time with the same care we show our finances.
When you undervalue your time, you limit your potential. That might mean investing hours in tasks or people that don’t align with your goals—whether those goals involve personal growth, financial gain, or simply joy. Over time, you risk missing out on opportunities that truly fuel your progress and well-being.
Just as prices shift in a marketplace, your valuation of time should rise as you gain skills, experience, and clarity on what matters to you. The more you invest in yourself, the more your “hourly rate” should reflect your growth.
Be purposeful in how you allocate your hours. Dedicate them to the projects, hobbies, and relationships that align with your priorities. If a certain passion energises you, carve out time for it. If you have a big dream on the horizon, make space in your schedule to pursue it. Saying “no” to what doesn’t serve you creates room for what does.
Today’s price for your time should honour all you’ve become—and everything you still aspire to be. Protect it like the precious resource it is, because once it’s spent, there’s no getting it back.