New adult friendships

Stop overthinking whether someone might find it weird or reject your invitation. There simply isn’t time to worry about that. The best way to make new friends is by taking action—so invite them out. If they say no, it’s not personal. Another opportunity will pop up soon enough.

Forget waiting for a “right moment.” Life moves quickly, and you don’t have the luxury of university halls or after-school activities to help you build friendships slowly. Instead, create moments yourself. Invite people to join your existing circles, or introduce them to each other. A friendly, open environment often transforms acquaintances into genuine friends.

Treat new friends like old friends from day one. Show warmth, exude great energy, and approach them with a relaxed sense of familiarity. That sense of comfort helps others reflect your enthusiasm. Be the person who suggests coffee breaks, hikes, or casual drinks. Adult friendships thrive on spontaneity, so if you feel like socialising, go for it.

You don’t need years of shared history to form meaningful bonds. The real key is your willingness to connect swiftly, bring people together, and act as if you’ve known them much longer. With that attitude, truly rewarding friendships often blossom faster than you’d ever expect.