Your mind is a powerful storyteller, often inventing scenarios before you have all the facts. These assumptions feel convincing, yet they are not real until confirmed. Too often, we mistake our assumptions for reality, creating narratives that reflect our fears or insecurities rather than truth.
When you assume, you fill gaps in your knowledge with imagined details, frequently confirming your own worries or perceived shortcomings. You might assume someone dislikes you, that you’re failing at your job, or that a relationship is strained—without ever asking if these perceptions are accurate.
In every case, your assumptions aren’t real until they're validated. They may contain elements of truth, but you won’t truly know unless you seek clarification. By reframing assumptions as unverified hypotheses, you empower yourself to step forward, ask questions, and discover what’s genuinely happening.
Mental reframing allows you to stay open, curious, and authentic. Instead of accepting a fearful narrative, approach situations with clarity and courage. Ask directly, seek genuine conversations, and allow others to speak their truth. Only then does reality become clear.
Don’t settle for a story you’ve told yourself. Seek the truth. You might find that reality is far kinder—and far more encouraging—than your assumptions led you to believe.